管理番号 | 新品 :75870208 | 発売日 | 2024/12/05 | 定価 | 46,000円 | 型番 | 75870208 | ||
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コトグレイヴの仏英辞典 A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongves は1611年に出版された。1632年の第2版にはロバート・シャーウッドにより英仏辞典が加わる。1650年、1673年と版を重ね、本書1673年版 A French and English Dictionary はジェームズ・ハウェルにより改訂・増補される。仏英が全体の3分の1以上を占め、そのあとに英仏が来る。 FRENCH ENGLISH DICTIONARY, originally compiled by R. Cotgrave and revised by Howell, James & Sherwood, Robert. Published by ANTHONY DOLLE SOLD BY THOMAS WILLIAMS, GOLDEN BELL, LONDON, 1673前半が仏英で、後半が英仏辞典。Abeでの価格は約7万円。
A second edition was published in 1632, together with an English-French dictionary by Robert Sherwood. Subsequent editions, revised and enlarged by James Howell, appeared in 1650, 1660 and 1673. The author presented a copy of the first edition of his work to Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I, and received from him a gift of ten pounds. Cotgrave"s dictionary, although not free from ludicrous mistakes, was, for the time at which it was published, an unusually careful and intelligent piece of lexicographical work, and is still constantly referred to by students both of English and of French philology.
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